Become a sponsor of

Firstly, we would like to thank our current Platinum and Gold sponsors who have been integral in funding TLR events this year. Without theit support, we would not be able to achieve the amazing successes that we’ve accomplished this year.
All of our events are sponsored by Muslim-owned businesses in our community. We are incredibly proud to showcase our amazing sponsors at each of our events, as a flagship of the successes of the Muslim community. Sponsoring a year of our events is a brilliant opportunity to show your support to the youth, and open up a huge world of networking opportunities, including an invitation to the Leadership Forum Dinners at our TLR and TLR Mastery events.
We would like to share a testimony from Firhana Imam, owner of IBC (The Islamic Lifestyle Store), who has been a proud supporter of TLR throughout 2023.

I attended the January 2023 retreat as a Team Leader and was so impressed with the high level of content and the impact it had on the participants that I had to become a sponsor for the next one.
I love the energy, passion and dedication of the committee and volunteers. Their goals should be all our goals. If you can’t physically help or volunteer in these types of endeavors then make sure you don’t miss out on the never ending gifts / Baraka of supporting this type of work.
A sponsorship is a great way to help and serves as Sadaqa jariah for you. It’s a way of expanding your legacy. Every small amount counts towards sponsoring a place at the leadership retreat.
If you are interested in sponsoring a year of NAF events, download our sponsorship prospectus to find our more, and apply today.
Support for our events does not have to be through monetary sponsorships. Running TLR requires a large, dedicated team of Operations and Media staff.
If you would like to donate your time to support TLR, we would love to hear from you.